Christ Glorified- The Introduction


If six years ago, when I started college, you were to tell me I was going to become a stay at home mom (SAHM)  about a year after I graduated, I would’ve laughed out loud, in your face. So hard. I was definitely one of the people who thought being at home full-time was such a cop-out and a waste of a blood, sweat and tears earned degree. Cue the laughing out loud recording again-because if you don’t already know it for yourself, being a SAHM is no easy job.After my mother and mother in-law’s time ended with us after the baby  was born, I was petrified. I couldn’t imagine being alone with a little baby all day. I was afraid I was going to forget to feed him because I was so tired, or that some outrageous catastrophe would occur and no one would be around to help me. I’m glad those days have passed (and that those postpartum hormones have subsided). Now, seven months out, I can honestly say, Baby Boy and I have a lot of fun spending our days together, and from an adult perspective, our days are far from monotonous and empty.The main focus of my day with or without my son is that I hope to honor the Lord in everything I do. When we pray at breakfast, I ask God to let our day be productive and that it would honor Him. I hope this comes across loud and clear; just because I strive and pray for this doesn’t mean it always happens. I’m a human and I make mistakes and struggle like any other. I get anxious, I get frustrated, I get my priorities mixed or I can be lazy and let a day roll past me. But there is always grace and the opportunity, Lord willing for me to try again.So, try again I do! And each day, this way of living gets a little easier and a little sweeter too. I want to live my life with the purpose of getting to know Jesus a little better with each passing day, and letting him shape and mold my life to reflect that. So, I try to find purpose in each day, not in a stressful, micromanaging sort of way, but a mellow, “It’ll be what it’ll be” sort of way. With that mindset and a heart that wants to understand and emulate God’s calling to his children to live a life of holiness in combination with his grace is where this series begins. From the big parts of our day to the smaller, the exciting and the serious, I’ll be sharing how and why I spend my days as a SAHM the way I do.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”- Phillipians 4:8



Christ Glorified- Serving