Intentionality- Free Time


Have you ever had a day off or holiday break where you couldn’t wait to do anything but work, yet near the end of your vacation you realize the most you’ve done with your time has been binging Queer Eye and scrolling endlessly through Pinterest?I’ve definitely had times like that! The year after I graduated college, I spent a lot of time alone because my husband was working and in school full time while my jobs were flexible and mostly done at home. We lived in a tiny apartment in Dallas and we didn’t have many friends out there. We were on a tight, Dave Ramsey budget ( we still are, haha) and free money was sparse, so I couldn’t easily go out to get coffee or shop for my entertainment either. I could only visit friends so often as we were all working and lived far apart from each other.That next summer, after we moved back to Denton and had the baby, finding ways to keep occupied during my free time was a whole different story. My days were filled with nap times, feeding schedules and housework when I could. I was so tired (still am!) and I wanted to do things outside the house but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. So I settled with watching Law and Order and This Is Us for the first few months. It was a necessary break as I recovered for a time, but if I could go back I would certainly do things differently.A few months ago we decided to cut ties with Netflix, not only to save money but also to spend our time more intentionally. I never felt like I could read physical books after I had the baby, but low and behold, it turns out I was fully capable the entire time because I have started reading real books and listening to audiobooks daily! I couldn’t believe it.I found some podcasts that I liked and could listen to while I was cleaning and driving to stay engaged during the day and enjoy the passing time. I started making weekly visits to the library with TJ, and staying organized to be able to volunteer in my organizations consistently and well. It was so interesting to me to notice how the more I shared myself with the world around me, the freer and more lively I felt.

Did you know that with every hour you spend watching TV, you take 22 minutes off of your life? There’s even a relationship between depression and binge-watching television.Just let that sink in for a minute. What could you actually enjoy with just 22 extra minutes in your life instead of watching TV? For me, bible journaling would be one of my options. Just refreshing my soul and satisfying my creative itches is such a good feeling to me. Another way I’d love to spend those precious minutes are with self-care. Spending time making DIY beauty products and saving up my spending money to buy a new piece of makeup or face mask can go a long way for me after a long day or week of momming.The reality that there was a link between depression and television watching really struck a chord with me. I remembered how especially during the times we were more isolated from our close friends living in Dallas, that my mood was down more and I spent much of my free time alone and sedentary instead of doing little things that could’ve brightened my mood more like taking the dog for walks, finding a local bible study to join, or taking the train to Dallas to simply enjoy the sights.Ephesians 5:15-16 shares these encouraging words—“Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”These words can cover a broad expanse if the ways we spend our time, from the jobs we choose to work to make an income, to the ways we serve our household by completing chores and running errands, to the ways we spend days of rest God may bless us with. Our time on this earth has an end date, and we don’t know what it’ll be. For those that are followers of Christ, we’re called to make the most of our days and glorify God with them (Psalm 115), and so taking the time to organize your life to fit in our daily responsibilities as well as serving others and enjoying life as well is important. Even still, for those that do not yet follow Christ, even your life has a purpose! There are ways you can spend your days that can serve a purpose other than simply working or lounging, and that don’t even require spending copious amounts of money.Sometimes it seems like life is too busy to stop and smell the flowers or fill our brains with wisdom and knowledge instead of social culture and gossip. Sometimes our days spent taking care of our families leave us drained and weary enough where the only thing that sounds good is turning in a TV show with your spouse after such a long day. I encourage you to push past those boundaries though and try though! Try swapping out a show for a new music album to listen to together. Go to the thrift store and buy a puzzle or a board game to enjoy. Call that friend you’ve been meaning to catch up with and invite them over for some wine and Pillsbury cookies. Take those five extra minutes to stop for the homeless person holding a sign and buy them some food from the nearest fast food place. Ask God to show you where you are using up your precious time unwisely.Just try! I bet you’ll surprise yourself.


Intentionality- Productive Free Time


San Diego