While We Wait Pt. 3- Press on in Love

July 30th was World Day Against Sex Trafficking. The darkness coming to light through our computer screens, protests, and picket signs. The anger that comes if this is the first time you've been exposed to this atrocity, it may plant a deep seed of burning anger and complete confusion. However, this isn't news to God. He even left us with a verse to ice out that hate. We're to do justice, and love kindness.

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

-Micah 6:8

So what do we do while we wait? While the news reels continue to pit us against our neighbor, while enemies of God continue to grow in power, while diseases prevail, and death continues, and murders happen, and religions are persecuted, and economies fail.

So what do we do?

"But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

-Isaiah 40:31

We wait, but not passively, in hope. We continue to strive for revelations from God as we invest in our spiritual well-being. We keep far away from evil, and stick close to the Gospel. We don't become like the world, but strive to be more like Jesus. To sit at his feet and learn as much as we can on this side of eternity. We don't stop working, we don't stop caring for our families or friends, we don't stop going to church, we don't give up. We press on, in faith, in love and obedience.

Keep awake therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.

- Matthew 25:13

And we hope. We never loose hope, because a day is coming, when all things will be made new, when Jesus will return and make all things new again, or when we pass on, and meet him face to face on the other side of life. We don't know the day of either of those days, not when Jesus comes again, nor when we take our last breath. So it's important we take our faith and God's commands seriously, and follow through with the Great Commission of loving God with all our heart, mind and soul and loving our neighbor as ourself.

Black, White, Hispanic. masked, unmasked. Red, Blue, Purple, Libertarian. A former enemy of the faith or a current enemy. We are called to a high standard. We are called to extreme love.

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

- Mark 16:15


Welcome Autumn


While We Wait Pt. 2- The Narrative of Racial Harmony