How I Grew my Career as a Writer

It doesn't feel like four years ago that I began my first writing job. 

I was three months out of my internship and struggling to find a job. 

My father in-law bought me a book called, “What Color is Your Parachute: 2017,” and I read and completed it in a day. It was one of the most insightful books I’d yet to read as a young adult and I HIGHLY recommend it to every senior in college to read and fill out before their last semester of school. 

My top strengths and interests revolved around writing, crafting, planning and swimming.

What on earth kind of jobs would have anything to do with that?

I hoped on the internet and typed in, “Christian writing Jobs near Me,” and found an ad for a writing assistant on a funky little website. It was a Christian Fiction Author who was looking for an assistant. It seemed interesting. So I sent her an email. 

SC Duncan was her name. I met her for my interview, and the next week, I was hired! I had the great privilege of being her assistant for about 6 months, editing, brainstorming, proofreading, and more with her. It was the most stretching job I’ve ever had. She was eccentric, exciting and knowledgeable, and had an unhindered passion for her vision. 

After I completed my time with SC, I began working from home, as I was 30-something weeks pregnant and getting a little fuzzy-brained. My mom had a friend who was a nurse that she exercised with, who wanted to write books. Her name was Chiffon Kinney, and her books were so much fun to work on. I did a lot of editing and a little bit of ghost-writing for her. She, too was an absolute blast to work with- so full of energy and life. She was literally an open book, and I got to know her so well in those four months I worked with her. 

Around the same time, my mom sent me an article from MyFitnessPal, written by a journalist named K. Aleisha Fetters. My mom liked what she’d written and was like, “You should write for her or something,” and I was like, “It doesn’t work that way,” but then was like “WHAT THE HECK, LET ME TRY.”

So I emailed her, and I simply asked if I could call her and learn her story. How’d you get to writing for MyFitness Pal? How’d you learn this trade? 

To my surprise she replied back, and shared her number. She shared her story with me, how she was a glitch in the system so to say- the right place at the right time, right connections, etc.

Then, she gave me a chance.

I started transcribing interviews for her, and once, tried to ghostwrite for her! I learned a lot from K. Aleisha, like that journalism isn’t quite my thing, even though I wish it could be. But she got me in touch with my science side, and helped me build the confidence in myself to spring forward as an author, to pick up a  phone and call. 

Two months after having my first baby, my writing bug was back in full-force. So I began a blog. This used to be called “We’re The Least of These” but now it’s nameless, written simply under my pen name K. Price. I started sharing topics that were deep, circumventing around Christ and servitude. And three years later, it’s only grown into something more than a great way to maintain my writing skills, but a place to spew encouragement and hard truths alike ( okay and my favorite coffee recipes).

My next project was Jesse, a local pastor I met when we moved to East Texas, who volunteered with my husband at the red cross. He’s writing a story on Agape love, and it’s going to be fantastic. I have had the pleasure of working with him a few months before I published my own book, Sown. 

Now I’m here. Four years later, with so much rich experience under my belt that I wouldn’t trade for anything! One paper book and an audiobook in, and I know that’s not the end. I'm eager to grow my career as a writer and see what is next!  

The biggest takeaway I've gained through all this experience has been that sometimes, to accomplish your greatest dreams, all you need is an email and a chance.


Balanced Routine Pt. 1


The Year I Lost my Faith