How to Run a Bible Study

Have you ever wanted to run your own bible study? I promise, it’s not as difficult as it seems, and you’re also far more equipped than you think you are!

Here is a little guide you can follow to planning, organizing, and leading a Bible study!

How Long to Plan Your Bible Study

There’s not a lot of planning that needs to go into a Bible study. You can start by reaching out to a handful of friends/acquaintances/family and encouraging them to invite any friends that would be open to committing to your study!

I have found that unless you’re hoping for this study to last for the foreseeable future, the best timeframe to ask of others is 6 weeks. It allows the time to create depth and trust in the group, while also not over-burdening schedules.

If you’re hoping for a long-term group to grow out of this study, then keeping the meetings fairly low-key and less rigid will help participants have the flexibility to participate as long as they can without getting behind in the material.

What Should We Study?

The Bible, of course!

If this is your first time to run a study, I highly recommend choosing a book out of the Bible and simply reading through it a chapter a week (or more if you’re only running a 6-week study)and reflecting on the passages together in a group setting.

The Holy Spirit moves when Believers come together to study God’s Word, and it is a great way to introduce new Believers to the habit of being in God’s Word daily.

Maybe your group is all in a similar season or similar hardships. You might consider a Bible study devotional tailored to that specific theme, like a 6-week study of wifehood, motherhood, or maybe grief or singleness.

Make sure that if you’re choosing a devotional or study to work through that you have researched its credibility and reliability, that you’re not leading women through blasphemy or heresy because you were not diligent to check it out enough beforehand.

Where Should I Have The Study?

Feel free to be creative and low-key in this place! You can have a successful Bible study in a small apartment as you can in a spacious home- trust me! If you’re studying with a group of young moms, maybe a public, covered playground is a great place because the young preschoolers can run around while you gather relatively quietly for 30 minutes.

Perhaps you live in a home that’s central to most participants and you love serving through hospitality and hosting. Well, by all means, host this study at your home!

While coffee and snacks are a plus, they are not mandatory, and in the end, absolutely are not pivotal to a Bible study.

Really, the only thing you need is the Bible (hallelujah!).

Let’s Study…!

Click this photo to be taken to some of my personal favorite Bibles, devotionals, and studies to spur your imagination!


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