
Even though I'd never been to the Pacific Northwest, I had an undeniable call to venture there. Luckily, we got the chance to finally go this past May for my sister in-law's wedding and a short family vacation that followed it. We stayed busy the four days preparing for the wedding and attending pre-wedding events. I enjoyed every moment, not because I got to serve my sister to help her wedding day come together seamlessly, but also because it was so fun getting to do ordinary life things in such a beautiful place.Getting to venture around the city and admire the views were so wonderful. I loved that there was the combination of sea, mountain and city life all in one area. I was surprised by the diversity there as well, that was something I didn't expect or know about Seattle, but something I take into great account as it is something I greatly appreciate being surrounded by. I tried to spend this trip with the thought that maybe, just maybe, we could live out there someday, and so I wanted to have an open mind to see if it was a place I could see our family living (briefly) someday.


Growing up on the East-Coast and having family roots buried in Southern Lousiana, I know what good seafood is. Sadly, Texas doesn't even touch on seafood-y goodness, so I was eager to try some of Seattle delicacies. The first place we got to try was a Lebanese restaurant called Mediterranean Kitchen. I have never eaten a beret n my life but somehow, they made it taste so good. The humus was unbelievable smooth, the meat so full of flavor. On our way out I’m pretty sure some professional football players were entering, so I’m sure it must be a local favorite.img_3311.jpgThe next night we went to the soon-to be wed couple’s favorite Thai restaurant, Somtam Thai. It was so good too! My favorite was their noodles, I could’ve eaten it all week if I had the chance. Next up was Cafe Flora. I had the (I think) vegan biscuits and gravy with collard greens and eggs. It was so delicious. I saved my leftovers and ate them in a Costco parking lot later that day! I couldn’t say goodbye haha. My sister in-laws and I shared an amazing,huge cinnamon roll too that was so amazing. ( I’m sorry 7mile Cafe, this one beat your cinnamon roll!)The rehearsal dinner was at Anthony’s Pier 66, which I felt I was so luckily to get to try! I swear everything I ate in Seattle was eye-rolling good, so sorry if I sound like a broken record. Here, I got to try the most delicious salmon I’ve had in my life! Wow, was it good. And the Baily’s chocolate mouse was amazing. I topped it off with a glass of Pinot Grigio, and I was in my happy place.The last amazing place we got to eat at was Chinook’s Fish n’ Chips. I loved the view at this restaurant. Since my in-laws are a big bunch, we all picked something and shared what we got. I can’t remember everything I tried, but I know for sure my seafood marinara was too good!

My one goal while visiting Seattle was to try as much good coffe as possible; and that I got to do! My (newest) brother in-law is a coffee fanatic and so he and my sister in-law gave me a list of the best places to try.Number one- Union coffee shop. I had an iced...something. I don’t even remember but I know it gave me a boost and I liked it! Number two- an iced americano from an illy shop near Pike’s Place Market. It was too good, and I sure did like the price too! The next shop I got to scour was Useless Bay Coffee Co in Lagely. I had an iced latte that I loved so much I wanted to go back and buy some beans to take home with me. Sadly, by the time I got back to it, it had closed. But it worked out in my favor, because the last day, Hubby and I took a day date to get coffee from the Vienna Coffee Company. Y’all, this was literally heaven on earth to me. It’s authenticity, design, smell, everything was on point. I didn’t want to leave and bought a bag of espresso beans home to remember it by until the next time I got to visit it.


The most impressive sight we got to see was the wedding itself. The ceremony was held at Gold Creek Pond and the view was breathtaking! After the wedding there were two days we spent exploring around Seattle. The first day, we set out to the ferry and we rode it to Langley, WA. The town was so cute! We walked around the little town, tried some delicious coffee from a little chocolate  shop called Sweet Mona’s, and some of us got a cool drink from Useless Bay Coffee Co. From there, we took a scenic route to Ft Casey Historical State Park, then to Deception Pass State Park to hike down to its beach in time to see the sunset.The next day we took a trip to see the locks and also got to see some of the Carl S. English Jr. Botanical Garden. It was cool to watch and learn how the locks worked and see  all the different boats that were using it, and the garden was magnificent. I wish I could’ve seen more of it.


San Diego


Christ Glorified- Planning