
Next week is spring, and to some of us, it feels as though the world as we know it is turning on its head.However, I feel as though there is more to life than simply hunkering down with our non-perishables around us, cut off to the rest of the world for the cause of social distancing. So, with some of the extra free time I have, I felt it necessary to stay focused and hopeful in this strange time, so as to not be overwhelmed by the influx of information being thrown at us and to take advantage of the open chunks of time to invest in my spiritual and physical health as well as my creative spirit!

1.) Start virtual discipleship! This has been an idea rolling around in my head over the past month and I think it is finally something that I can feasibly make happen in the very near future. As I have remained accountable with my close friends to memorize scripture, as keep up with Bible reading daily, I feel I can reach out to other women my age and younger as an accountability sister or one-on-one mentor as well as share videos to large groups to teach and encourage! Make sure you sign up for my email list if this is something that interests you!2.) Become a better homesteader. As a part-time working mom, there are plenty of instances where my home is in disarray after a long day of work, play, cooking and entertaining two mobile little ones. This spring, I am looking forward to getting back on track with the Fly Lady Cleaning Method and keeping up with chores! I am so much more level-headed when I know there's not a mountain of laundry and dishes awaiting me before bedtime or first thing in the morning!3.) Engage with my children more. The best way children learn up until elementary age is through imaginary play. When I get down on my kid's levels and play with them, they don't want to stop! Clearly, that is something I need to do a lot more, and honestly, it is not something that comes easy to me. I look forward to rolling out playschool come summer and fall for my older child, so taking blocks of time out of my schedule to bond with my kids in this simple way will set the path to staying consistent in learning time later this year. Visit my Kit to see what some of our favorite baby and children toys and books we have in our home!4.) Continue reading through my book list. If you haven't figured out, I really love to read! I have been reading so much more this past year than I have over the past five, and it has truly been refreshing. Visit my Kit to see what some of my favorite books are in our home library as well as which ones are on my wishlist and order one for yourself!5.) Finish Sown: Rooted in Redemption. If you didn't know, I am in the process of completing writing and publishing my first book! Its release date is June 26th, 2020, so my time to finish it is ticking! This has been a very exciting process amidst the creative challenge, and I am all too excited to see the completed work! Visit Barnes and Noble to preorder the Ebook version, and again, sign up to the email list to be notified when paper copies will be available as well as book signings!
I hope this was a reasonable distraction for you, and that maybe you can continue to busy yourself by visiting my Pinterest for more homesteading ideas, maybe ordering a book to read, or coming up with your own spring wish-list! The Kit links, I do receive a small commission from, so please, if you see something you like, help us by ordering through my Kit link! The email signup is on the left-hand side of the website, so please, keep up with K. Price by leaving it as well as finding me on other social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Etsy, and Pinterest!


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