Cast your Burdens

I shared this on my micro-blog, Threads, and it really stuck with me today, so I wanted to share it here, on my main blog as well!

Self-Publishing my second book has made me have a full-circle moment of reflection.

God doesn’t give us more than we can handle, right?

How many times in my past of young motherhood have I heaped a pile of to-dos on my plate that God did not ask me to fill up on? Two years ago I stopped working outside of the home completely, shut down my side hustles, etc.

Slowly, I have started regularly podcasting and microblogging on social media. Last December I began the endeavor of bringing this children’s book to life.

Today, I was riddled with disappointment and fear about how/if/when this book will be released “according to the plan.” Ya know-the marketing plan. The launch plan. Even in the fear (that’s not from God) I’m heaping up a pile I am not meant to handle. I literally worked myself into a tearful panic worried I’m going to let my backers and supporters down.

I felt myself unraveling the tight chords of peace and patience I’ve been prayerfully asking for from the Lord these many months. I serve myself with anxiety and stress God does not task me with, instead of relieving my burdens to him, and prayerfully considering my next steps 😮‍💨I see my fine line of capabilities. The delicate balance of what I can handle and what I *want* to be able to handle. When I live not off my own strength, the burdens come undone...

All this to say, whatever you feel overconsumed by, imagine taking it off your shoulders and handing it to Jesus. Ask and you shall receive, right? So shouldn’t we ask what tasks we need to let go, and for the peace and willingness to cast them aside?

Jesus, forgive me for the way I reel stress and anxiety into my life. They don’t bring me closer to you, and they don’t make my pursuit of loving and living for you any easier.

In Jesus name- amen! 🙏🏾


Even in the Bad, He is Good.


Motherhood + Spiritual Discipline pt. 2 Show Notes